Sunday, April 13, 2014

My daily life is very relaxed, and laid back

     It is so hard for me to believe that such peace and harmony exists such as this.  This time two years ago back in the USA i felt like the hell would never end for me.  I was recovering from PTSD as a result of a criminal domestic violence act stowed upon in 2009 by my then husband of  13 years.  I never had a clue that PTSD was a real thing, and then again I also had no clue as to what kind of real shit head I had married.  My journey through PTSD was a rough one and I chose some not so favorable choices as ways to deal with it for the first 18 months afterwards, however this blog is about the ex-pat in Nicaragua from South Carolina and how beautiful it is.  I will start a more personal blog later.

     Daily life isn't exactly predictable here but thats based on me and what I choose to do and well thats a variety of  different things that I will start discussing on this page and on and on as I chronicle the events of my life in Nicaragua...(one thing thats for sure is i know longer lay in bed all depressed and hopeless anymore nor do I have to take prescription meds for blood pressure, anxiety, nor PTSD and thats a major plus)

     Nicaragua sort of stumbled upon me by accident and at first was slightly hard to adjust to until I went back home for about 7 weeks and I felt the headaches and heart aches starting all over again....I quickly realized just how much a rat race most Americans had found themselves caught in as well as the awful societies that I was once apart of.  My life here in Nica is so much more simple, full, and extremely genuine.  Words really cannot describe the feelings of peace and wholeness I have felt. (however my heart still aches for someone that was taken from me back in 2010) Rising in the mornings to beautiful sunshine and consistent warm weather all year long is a plus as well as eating healthy foods that are all natural and organic. It was a huge life change in every way and it wasn't an easy choice at first but looking back on things and realizing how far I have came, how much I have grown and all the beautiful things i have experienced has made it well worth trying.

     So my hardest adjustments  was the lack of convenience here in Nicaragua verses the extremely convenient life I was living back home in the USA. (example being: the are that i live in doesn't have any drive through restaurants and much more) I first felt so disconnected from the world but i quickly learned that I was more in touch with nature and a natural life. I suppose its much like that old saying of sacrifice goes. Daily events could be a big variety of things from the basic house work, yoga, massages, watching surfers, watching nature, planting flowers, herbs, hanging out with friends, eating out at different places, snorkeling and much more. It is rather nice to feel this sort of beautiful freedom.

        “Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you.
You must travel it by yourself.
It is not far. It is within reach.
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know. 
Perhaps it is everywhere - on water and land.” 
― Walt WhitmanLeaves of Grass

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