Saturday, April 19, 2014

Jinotega, Nicaragua

     Jinotega is a quiet peaceful valley town nestled in between huge hills and mountains.  The people in this area were super laid back and I really enjoyed this after the hustle in Matagalpa area.  We spent one day and one night here.  We checked into the Hotel Cafe, and there we met the owners son who has lived mostly in Virginia USA.  As i viewed the cross on the hill he offered to travel with us but I declined.  It looked rather scary.  He also pointed us in the right direction to purchase some really excellent coffee for cheaper than I had ever seen anywhere in the world.  We got some whole bean as well. Ground coffee was about $2.00 a bag and whole bean coffee was about $3.40 a bag. We also did a little look  shopping in this area and we visited in front of the church.  This is a place that I would love to visit again.  Below are a few photos of our journey.  I will list the rest of the journey in separate entries following this one.


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