Sunday, April 20, 2014

The journey in Ometepe to San Ramon waterfall

    Wow!  This is a journey that I don't care to ever make again.  We started out on horses and road them for abt 2 hours into the forest of San Ramon.  For the most part there is a nice trail to follow, however riding horses in the 90 something degree temperature here in Nicaragua during April, and with shorts on wasn't my cup of tea.  After riding the horses for a bit we then had to hike by foot up some really steep hills before actually getting to the falls.  Once I made it there I just collapsed into the fresh cold water.  It struck me as strange that our guide was covered in clothes, flip flops and a hat and he wasn't near as tired as we were. We spent about an hour here, then walked back to our horses and headed back to the hotel where we collapsed for a few days.  I have a ton more photos to add to this but I began having a few problems with my dropbox this evening.

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