Monday, April 14, 2014

What to expect when you drive up to a gas station in Nicaragua

     The gas stations in Managua are a lot like the ones back home in the USA with the exception that there is an attendant at each and every pump that will take your money for the gas or diesel you wish to purchase and all other goods that you may desire are paid for on the inside.  All the gas stations through out the whole country of Nicaragua has an armed guard working the door and parking lots.  The gas stations will change once you hit the Nandime area and Rivas area of Nicaragua.  The main difference will be that any goods other than gas and soft drinks are kept inside where you will stand at a window to tell whomever is working to get the items that you desire to purchase.  If you use a credit card or US funds to pay for anything in Nica then expect to provide an ID and your passport.

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