Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Ometepe adventures...

     We drove from Popoyo to a town close to Rivas called San Jorge.  San Jorge was a busy place with loads of cars, people and cargo all using the ferry system to and from Ometepe.  We drove our Suv onto the ferry after waiting for about 30 minutes and then we were off to see the beautiful volcanic Islands of Ometepe to see Volcan Maderas and Volcan Concepcion.  The ferry ride wasn't as bad as some had made it out to be but it wasn't exactly pleasant either.  The water across the lake is choppy to say the least.

    After entering the island we got the urge for a bite to eat.  We stopped at one of the first places we saw on our right hand side and it was called The American Cafe.  In the cafe we met the American owners Bob and Simone and we shared a lovely conversation with them as well as collected some advice about the island.  Our food was great and very American.

     Our first stop was in Ojo de Agua.  We paid a few dollars each to enter into here but its well worth it.  Ojo de Agua is a natural spring that has now been captured inside a concrete pool.  I cant quite think of the right words to describe the texture of the water other than to say it feels like silk and according to legend and locals it reportedly has some healing powers. 

    We left Ojo de Agua and drove through the Island in search for a place to stay when we happened to stumble across a hotel by the name of La Omaja.  It was a very nice stay for us, with excellent views.  Rooms without a tv were around 35 a night and for 50 a night you could get a much nicer sized room with a tv.  I loved my stay here. We stayed here for 3 nights and 4 days and then headed home. 

   The below pictures will show just some brief photos of the beginning stages of the Ometepe journey.  I will list some of the events in the blogs here after this one.


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