Sunday, April 27, 2014

GoodBye Costa Rica

     I woke up yesterday morning somewhat dreading the journey home to Nicaragua, because of the pain in my ass the crossing the border can be, not to mention I really did like Costa Rica a lot. (except the high prices) I ate breakfast and we called for a taxi that arrived quite promptly.  As we entered into Liberia we decided to stop at one of the grocery stores called Jumbo.  I really liked this store a lot.  It reminded of the grocery stores we have back home in South Carolina. In there we found we French Coffee Press, and I purchased a tee shirt for my daughter Emily and then headed to the bus station. Once we arrived at the bus station another taxi driver offered to takes us to the border for way much less than we expected we could get one for so we took him up on this opportunity and arrived at the border to enter Nicaragua about 40 minutes later. We went through the usual aggravation of the coyotes (money changers) and the same hustlers were there to help us back through that had helped us get through on our way into Costa Rica. We endured  through quite a long walk in the heat stopping at station after station getting our passports signed and paying fees out left and right before we arrived back at our car that we left in the car rental parking lot.  We made a few stops in Rivas and then headed back to Popoyo, Nicaragua to our home.  


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