Monday, April 14, 2014

What time of year that you may want to avoid coming to Nicaragua

     As I give this advice I am basing it off of my personal preferences as well as the experience of many others that have lived here a lot longer than I have...First of all let me remind you that Nicaragua has only two seasons and neither of them get much  below 76 degrees.

     January and February are pretty nice here from my experience but it is very dry and windy but  tolerable temperatures in the day and cool nights that are comfortable and perhaps calling for a thin sheet to sleep with during the night.  March is the beginning of a whole new story in Nicaragua followed by a miserable April.  I call the months of March and April the summer time of Nicaragua because around mid March temperatures will start soaring more consistently above the 90 degree mark and with it being so dry my allergies flare up and its quite miserable for me.  Also in April the Nica's celebrate the whole week before Easter with tons of festivities but more than anything they get wild, this week is called Semana Santa ..(spelling may not be accurate on that )

     May is when the rainy season begins and it cools off rather nicely and tons of green vegetation begins to take over the once dry ground and the dust isn't near as bad . Last year the rainy season was not what I had feared.  For the most part the rainy season is a pop up shower daily that comes and goes rather quickly with an occasional hard rain fall. May to September is pretty nice here.

     I haven't experienced an October or November here yet and apparently with good reason.  There are many stories of the October rain washing roads out and much more...However I have been told that November is quite pleasant here as well as December.

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