Sunday, April 20, 2014

Our stay at La Omaja in Ometepe, Nicaragua

    This place proved comfortable in what turned out to be a self inflicted difficult time.  After our first night here I awoke the next morning to find out that horses had been obtained for me to journey to the San Ramon waterfall.  Needless to say I wasn't prepared for this and I didn't have any blue jeans with me. I took the trip and was quite miserable afterwards and darn near unable to walk let alone go home, so we stayed here 2 additional nights to get some much needed rest.  

    The first night we stayed in a basic room and after a request for a larger room with a tv, it was a good choice to make.  The larger rooms had 2 full sized beds. The hotel has a beautiful infinity pool that appears to fall over with a view of Ometepe.  The hotel also had a restaurant in which we ate a lot of meals and found them pleasant.  Below are a few shots of the hotel that I snapped.

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