Thursday, April 17, 2014

Masaya, Nicaragua

     The journey into Masaya, Nicaragua is one that you must be prepared for.  It is for surly a tourists trap for those feeling the itch to shop.  This place is filled with so much that I will not even try to cover all it.

    For starters if your wanting a handmade hammock then your in the right place.  These prices vary mostly in size and the smaller ones will vary from size as well as the materials they are made of.  Prices can start out around $10.00 and go way up.  However from my hammock buying experience a year ago I can say mine is holding up well and I'm very satisfied.

    Everything from dresses, pottery, shoes, tee-shirts, jewelry, trinkets, trinket boxes, sunglasses, purses, backpacks, blankets and way much more can be found here.  

    Traveler be aware that you will be approached by everyone trying to either mark a price down, or sell you some homemade nuts and much more.  .

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