Monday, April 14, 2014

My stay at the Wayak Hotel In Managua Nicaragua

    So we are currently having to travel to Managua a little more often than we have before in the past as we are preparing to build a place down here on the beach, and well wouldn't you know that we were there for that first and second  earthquakes that scared all of Nicaragua on April 10 th and April 11th.  We had originally planned on staying at Managua Hills but with it being a holiday week for the country we ended up here at the Wayak Hotel and we have a most lovely experience despite the earthquakes.  I will be posting photos below of the Wayak Hotel and our suite the Cacao.  I got to hand it to this hotel in saying that they are so on que with their line of thinking when they designed this hotel and its amenities. I was quite impressed with it contemporary designs and decor.  The over all ambiance was wonderful in this sheik hotel.  My pictures could never ever truly express the comfort that this place actually provides.  I was just stepping out of the shower when the first quake hit us, and I really wasn't prepared at all.  We headed outside as soon as I got dressed and began chatting with the wonderful staff that works here.  My first surprise was the fact that almost everyone could speak Perfect English and my second surprise was the comfort they gave as they shared and expressed their concerns and experiences. We were sitting in the very lovely restaurant that was very elegant and more black tie designed that I had expected as I got up to walk over to check out the pool, another quake or possible after shock hit us.  Tom called my name and brought it to my attention that the wine glasses were all shaking and he was right.  However he thought the whole event was rather cool and I didn't...  Last but far from least as we retired to our rooms and the urge for something sweet hit us, we were delightfully surprised by the wonderful room service of strawberry cheesecakes.  This hotel is above all in Managua in my experience.   The cost per night is around $75.00
The restaurant food was more than delicious...Try the chicken alfredo for a mouthwatering delight. The hotel is wifi equipped and the cost includes an above average Nica breakfast. I Love This Place

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