Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Expat Journey began in early 2013

The ex-pat life In Nicaragua is a beautiful life in a beautiful country.  Every day is different from the day before  but all in all I cannot complain about life as compared to the lifestyle of chaos I had living back home in the USA. Its nice to not have to deal with traffic, sirens and rude people that are so caught up in working to pay for their expensive homes that they barely live in...The whole entire idea of the American Dream seems more as if you work all your life to pay for things that you will barely have time to enjoy....however my life here is far more rewarding and beneficial to my over all well being.I am totally new to the blogging concept so bare with me as I began working on this in the next few weeks about my life as an ex-pat and the reasons why i decided to leave the American Dream behind.