Monday, April 14, 2014

I found the best Sushi in Nicaragua

     Strangely to say I have become addicted to sushi and I find myself grabbing it every chance I can get...

     Back home in the USA I wouldn't have dared try sushi, but here a few friends and my love talked me into going to the melting elephant one night back in March and all I can say is I'm hooked...I have tried sushi at 4 different places now including Sushittos, Excelente Sushi, and at Kyoto's .  The first place being the melting elephant is located right in Popoyo on the beach, but is only served on Friday nights and prepared by gringo's that do a marvelous job and the other 3 places are located in Managua. The Kyoto place is located inside of the Barcelo Hotel, and its pricey but the best in Managua. Sushittos has the best price, as well as delivery service.

Im posting pics of the Barcelo Hotel Sushi night that we enjoyed with our friend Michael..

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