Sunday, April 13, 2014

Copa Airlines

    My travel preferences based on personal experience and many many flights later.....My absolute favorite airline would be Copa Airlines. My experience with them has been quite a welcomed travel experience leaving me wondering why all airlines couldn't be as nice as Copa. My flight was leaving Columbia SC in the early morning hours with a small express jet trip to DC first, then from DC to Panama, Panama to Costa Rica, and Costa Rica to Nicaragua. The whole experience was fabulous despite the regular jet-lag feelings.  My small flight to DC was via united express jet and it was exactly as it says "express" in every way. Upon entering Dulles International I headed straight to the Copa sitting area where the attendant was very helpful . I did not have much of a wait before I boarded the flight to Panama. Copa began passing out snacks almost immediately, followed by a pair of ear buds for the two up coming movies. Just as the last movie was finishing the attendants began passing out quite a nice well rounded and tasty lunch.  I arrived in Panama where I had a small amount to time to kill and change planes. The Panama airport is rather nice with its mall, and tons of food vendors and before I knew it I was up in the air and being served a sandwich and a drink by the Copa airlines.  I could have gotten off the plane in Costa Rica but at this point I was getting quite tired and very ready to land in Nicaragua....and once again I was up in the air being served another meal, and landing in Nicaragua a little earlier than what was expected. I have found that Copa's prices are fairly reasonable considering the baggage that is included in the tickets as well as the food and excellent customer service...
    Other airlines that I have experienced would be Delta and Spirit....Delta seems to fly the most direct flight from my airport back home in SC but Spirit Airlines offers the cheapest rates but charges the hell out of you for the baggage fees....

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” 
― Gustave Flaubert

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