Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Procrastination Syndrome

     I am preparing for a trip back home to the USA but I am having mixed thoughts about the whole trip. Without a doubt I miss all of those that I love and care dearly for and my daughter being the highest one on that list, however reality kicks in and the fact is that my daughter isn't a baby anymore she is an adult. So the hesitation in going home is preparing myself for the insane fucking society that everyone in the USA lives in.  I feel like I am packing and leaving heaven behind to be slammed with a dose of self inflicted Hell.  For days now I have said I was going to begin packing, and every time I attempted to pack, I found myself stopping, and saying to myself  "Hey Christy you can do it later, because right now the beach needs you " LOL (these beaches here in the Las Salinas area of Nicaragua are phenomenally captivating)  So needless to say I will be elated to see my family, so I am going to get off my ass and start packing today.  I also have a lot of work I need to catch up on with this blog and I will do my best to get this done around my busy schedule. (Busy is a good thing)     

even the cat loves the view of the beach 

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