Monday, May 5, 2014

Last few days have been amazing as well as great surf shots..

    I have a million thoughts in my mind as I am writing this and once again I am slightly stumbled on where to begin, so for the moment I am going to say I have met some of the most wonderful people here in Popoyo from all over the world.  The blog entries that come after this one will go into more detail about my recent encounters. For now I can say I am exhausted and as always I have spent many hours on the beach photographing the great surf action.  (btw I am for surly not a surfer nor a professional photographer by any means, however I do enjoy the amateur photography as well as observing  the sport) Below I am going to upload a few surf shots and hopefully towards the end of the week I am going to post blog photos of some wonderful female surfers ...I am running behind on keeping my blog as up to date as I would like to keep it, so if your one of those that I met this past week I would like to say the Pleasure was all mine in meeting you and stay tuned for the photos i captured of you because i will be posting them very soon.......

*footnote* I am not one of those bloggers that spends multiple hours trying to word things to perfection and I will never be. This blog is sheerly designed to share my expereinces down here in Nicaragua as an expat and this blog is kept simple due to the fact that I am busy enjoying a beautiful peaceful wholesome life...Life is too short to be stressed out, I like to keep the blog Real and Simple...        

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